Personal Training

My Sporting Background

For as long as I can remember, sport has always been the biggest passion of mine. 

From the ages of 8-19 I was competeing in Springboard & Platform Diving at both National & International competitions. I can't imagine what my life would have been like without sport, it gave me so much value in my life & now I'm excited to be sharing my knowlegde, experience & passion with others as a Personal Trainer.

My Specialities as a Personal Trainer

My background in Diving & Gymnastics has given me a deep knowlegde of core stability training, flexibility, mobility, body-weight conditioning & some calithenics.

After leaving the diving pool behind, I began resistance training & my eyes were opened to the value & importance of training with weights for overall health & longevity.

Resistance training, done properly, will:
- build muscle
- burn fat
- change your body shape (make you look awesome!)
- speed up your metabolism (means you can eat more!!)
- increase strength & performance in sports 

Resistance training, coupled with good nutrition & mobility, can help you hit almost any fitness goal!